Original description
Hansson, C. (2010). ZooTaxa 2563:40-42.
Ventral surface of costal cell with a complete row of setae; frontal suture down-curved laterally; female scape yellowish-brown, male scape white; propodeal callus with 4–5 setae; coxae yellowish-brown in female, white in male; postmarginal vein 2.9X as long as stigmal vein; petiole 1.5X as long as wide in female, 2.0X as long as wide in male, dark brown with metallic tinges in female, yellowish-white to pale brown in male.
Costa Rica.
Reared from an unidentified Elachistidae (Lepidoptera) mining leaves of Bambusa (=Guadua) angustifolia (Poaceae).
Depository of primary type
Holotype female in the Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, United Kingdom.